Domestic Assistant
Sky View Care Home
A View to a Job for Chelsea
Chelsea registered with our Working for Families programme to get specialist support as a lone parent. When Chelsea registered, she had very little work experience and had several restrictions when it came to looking for work, including childcare commitments and the times that she could work being very limited due to having little support to care for her child. Chelsea also suffered with issues with her mental health and battled with anxiety and depression.
Chelsea was assigned an advisor who started to work closely with her to build her confidence and help her become ready for work. Once she felt ready, she started to work with her Employment Development Officer (EDO) on job matching and to access support including welfare rights, childcare advice and skills training. As her confidence grew Chelsea started to attend interviews and apply for jobs with the help of her advisor and EDO. She managed to secure a part-time post with Skye View Care Home as a Domestic Assistant. This was a role that the EDO managed to negotiate, by offering the employer financial assistance and aftercare as well as access to any on-the-job training that Chelsea might need.
Chelsea was very grateful for the support she received through the project and has come a long way since she first registered. As a result of being in work, and the difference it has made to her financially, she has been able to plan her first ever family holiday. She feels that getting a job has dramatically improved her mental health as her anxiety and depression have improved massively. If you’re looking for support to find work in North Lanarkshire, whatever your age or experience, please click here to sign up and someone will be in touch with you