Youth Employment Activity Plan

In North Lanarkshire, a range of partners including North Lanarkshire Council, Skills Development Scotland, Job Centre Plus and New College Lanarkshire work closely together in order to help young people at various stages of their lives to get into work, education or training. Please have a look at the information below to find out where you can find the right help and support for you.

Who can help me at my stage?

Click on the buttons below to select the stage you are at in the Employability Pipeline & the services that are available to assist you at that stage will be shown below.

If you are unsure of which stage applies to you click on the “More Information” button to learn more about the support available for that stage. In addition, the training providers and partners, who may be referring you to the programme, can carry out informal assessments with you before deciding which stage is best suited to your needs.

Choose your stage on the Employability Pipeline

Stage 1: Referral, Engagement and Assessment

More Information

Stage 2: Barrier Removal

More Information

Stage 3: Vocational Activity

More Information

Stage 4: Employer engagement and job matching

More Information

Stage 5: In work support and aftercare

More Information

All Stages

North Lanarkshire Employability Hubs

Routes To Work Ltd

DGC Training Services

Job Centre Plus

North Lanarkshire’s Working

Coatbridge Campus (New College Lanarkshire)

L & G Learning Stage 3 (Retail & Hospitality)

Right Track Scotland Ltd

Street League

Cumbernauld Campus (New College Lanarkshire)

Train'd Up

L & G Learning Stage 2&3 (Social Services Adult and Child Care)

LAMH Recycle Ltd

Skills Development Scotland

Action for Children

Rathbone Training


Enable Stage 3

Enable Stage 4

Motherwell Campus (New College Lanarkshire)