North Lanarkshire's Working

Smiling woman with headset


13th May 2021

Brogan registered with Routes to Work when she came to the end of her contract as an Apprentice Administration Assistant.

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Smiling young man in overalls


13th May 2021

Tony had been unemployed for a few months when he registered with North Lanarkshire’s Working to help him find a job.

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A smiling woman cleaning while an older person looks on


13th May 2021

Chelsea registered with our Working for Families programme to get specialist support as a lone parent.

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Jobseekers in North Lanarkshire

Jobseekers in North Lanarkshire

28th April 2021

North Lanarkshire’s Working aims to help jobseekers of all ages from North Lanarkshire into work. Through one to one support we will ensure you are job ready, confident and prepared for the world of work. Whether you are long term unemployed, just out of school, or looking for a new challenge we are here to […]

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